Located in the Marketplace Mall | 17 Miracle Mile Dr., Rochester, NY


League | Promotions

May 2, 2024



  • NIGHT 4 – Tuesday, February 11th
    • OVAL NIGHTAll groups combined, but will receive points in respective groups on where racer finishes.
      Time Trials (10 laps), Heat (20 laps), Feature (30, 2 x 15 lap stages)
    • Purchased Practice Races will start shortly after 5:00pm.
  • NIGHT 5 – Tuesday, February 25th
    • Regular Night – Practice (14 Laps), Heat (14 laps), Feature (20 Laps, 2 x 10 lap stages)
  • NIGHT 6 – Tuesday, March 4th
    • ENDURANCE RACE – Heat (14 Laps), Endurance Race (30 total minutes/approx. 70 laps)



Includes 3 races per night and complimentary pizza. Points accumulated nightly for 6 total weeks with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place CA$H prizes awarded in each group. Must be a current member and at least 18 years old, or a Pro racer. Non-Pro Racers are welcome, and will become a Pro Member on the first night of League.

Price: $50 per night OR Pre-register with upfront payment of all 6 weeks for $270 ($45 per night = 15% discount) in store, or over phone 585-978-8950.
This payment can be made in 2 installments of $135 each with final payment which must be made prior to 7pm on January 14th. If final payment is not paid before January 14th, racer will be charged nightly for 3 weeks at $50 per week. (All payments are Non-Refundable)

Once pre-registered you’ll be eligible for $14 practice races 12pm-7pm on each Tuesday of scheduled league nights.



(Except for Oval Night/Surprise and Endurance Night)

  • On the first night, there will be “Time Trials” to split into respective speed groups – Each group will will be awarded the prize fund above based off of the total number of entrants.
  • Heats will be timed races at 14 laps each. Points will be awarded based off best lap time within your group.
  • Features will be positional races, and will be split into 2 x 10 lap stages. Stage 1 will be awarded Heat Points. Stage 2 will be awarded Feature Points. Points will be awarded based off finishing order of each stage within your group. Endurance Race will also be a positional race and be awarded Endurance race points, which are double Stage 2 points.
  • At the end of Heats, a “pill draw” will determine starting position for Stage 1. Stage 2 will be “Heads-Up” based on finishing position of Stage 1.
  • There will be one drop week of lowest points. If racer is not able to make it on a race night, that can be used as a drop week. If racer paid in full prior to week 1, that week is non-refundable.


The CASH prize fund will be broken into 3 brackets based off the amount of racers registered. There must be a minimum of 8 racers to be awarded cash prizes. On the first night (TBA), there will be “Time Trials” to split into respective speed groups – Each group will will be awarded the prize fund above based off of the total number of entrants.

8-15 Racers:

  • 1st – $75 + 3 Free Races
  • 2nd – $50 + 2 Free Races
  • 3rd – $30 + 1 Free Race

11+ Racers, Will separate into 2 groups and each group will be awarded prize fund above.

16-23 Racers:

  • 1st – $200 + 3 Free Races
  • 2nd – $100 + 2 Free Races
  • 3rd – $75 + 1 Free Race

21+ Racers, Will separate into 3 groups and each group will be awarded prize fund above.

24-30 Racers:

  • 1st – $300 + 3 Free Races
  • 2nd – $200 + 2 Free Races
  • 3rd – $100 + 1 Free Race

Will separate into 3 groups and each group will be awarded prize fund above.










Sunday, February 16th
We will be closing at 6:00pm for the for our Employee Appreciation